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Writer's pictureChristian Frazier

Conversations with Christian Frazier -- Creative Director

Voyage ATL - Conversations with Christian Frazier

LOCALLOCAL STORIES MAYMAY 19, 2022 Conversations with Christian Frazier

LOCAL STORIES SHARETWEETPIN Today we’d like to introduce you to Christian Frazier. Hi Christian, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself. Starting in real estate 20 years ago, I quickly saw that the industry was evolving and that videos, branding, and marketing were becoming increasingly important. I started using Youtube back in 2006 and developed a solid online brand that sold over $68 million worth of property in just one year. This led to me becoming the VP of Marketing & Sales for a real estate franchise. I worked with some of the largest brands in the world, including AT&T, Windstream, and General Electric; I still work as a marketing consultant for Real Estate Agents and Mortgage Officers. I have a class certified by the state of Georgia to teach agents how to sell real estate online. My purpose has always been to use my skills and knowledge to help others succeed in the real estate industry, and I’m proud to say that I’ve been able to do just that. In my work as a sales and marketing professional, I have always strived to find and implement the best practices. Simultaneously, I also worked in the entertainment industry on commercial campaigns for major brands such as Facebook, HBO, NBC, Sci-Fi, Ford, Maybelline, and Fitnation. As a creator, I have also had the opportunity to work with pharmaceutical companies such as Norvo Nordisk to create content about living a healthy life with diabetes. In addition, I have partnered with Oprah and Dr. Oz on a creative piece about living a healthier life. Through all of these experiences, I have learned that the best way to achieve success is through hard work and dedication. I am constantly striving to improve my skills and knowledge so that I can help others achieve their goals. I believe that anything is possible if you set your mind to it and work hard enough. This philosophy has helped me achieve great things in my personal and professional life. Filmed here in Atlanta Ford Roll-On – Commercial Shot here in Atlanta Few people have had as significant an impact on the world as Steve Pemberton. A best-selling author and noted mental health advocate, Steve has dedicated his life to helping others find hope and healing. His book “A Chance in the World” was adapted into a school curriculum to help students overcome trauma. His work has been instrumental in reducing the stigma surrounding mental health. In “The Lighthouse Effect,” Steve shares stories of ordinary people who have made an extraordinary impact on the world. These stories will inspire and motivate readers to find the hero inside themselves and make a difference in the world. With Steve’s guidance, anyone can discover their power to make a positive difference in the world. My hobby is storytelling and acting, and it helps in marketing. I have worked on great television shows such as Law & Order SVU, Gotham, Blue Bloods, and The Blacklist. It’s fun to say that you have worked with the greats such as Dave Chapelle, Meryl Streep, Will Ferrell, Angela Bassett, Regina King, Jennifer Hudson, Forest Whitaker, Chris Rock, and Will Smith. Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect? Many people didn’t believe in me along the way, and also, when people google my name, they see that I am an actor/comedian and not an accomplished marketing professional. I have a letter of recommendation from one of the top marketing professors in the country and one of the former VP of marketing and research for BET. Sometimes I struggled with believing in myself because of my environment and listening to other voices. I had to start believing in myself. My bosses are some of the most well-respected executives globally, and after being on board for one month, he said, “I wish we had Christian on board two years ago.” “I often tell people that life is like an elevator. You start on the ground floor, and many people love to get on the ground floor, but when you are destined to rise to the top, you pass many people going to different feet. Some of them get on your elevator, and some of them get off. But if you’re destined to rise to the top, there will always be people around you who know where you’re destined to be. They may not always be the people you want to be around, but they’ll be there. And it’s up to you to have enough discernment and intuition to know when it’s time for them to get off your elevator. That’s when you’ll start rising faster and reaching your true potential. So don’t be afraid to let people go if they’re not meant to be part of your journey. It’s all part of reaching your final destination. There are many people in this world who are content to stay on the ground floor, never aspiring to anything more. But there are also those who have a sense that they are meant for something more.. For them, life is like an elevator. And when it’s time to rise to their true potential, they need to be able to discern who belongs on their journey with them and who doesn’t. There will always be those who try to hold you back or slow you down, but if you listen to your intuition and follow your purpose, you will eventually make it to the top. And the view from up there is always worth the journey.” Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work? I am an ENFJ personality which is rare among 2.5% of the world’s population. Other notable ENFJs are President Barack Obama, Oprah, and Abraham Maslow. They are known as people who make a change in the world. I went to the Navy Nuclear Power School, where they take six years of college and cram it into 1.5 years. My IQ is above 130, which means I can learn and do just about anything. People often ask me, “What is it that you can’t do?” I am a one-person marketing agency and production company. I know how to write commercial copy, storyboard it, shoot it, edit it and have it ready for distribution. Usually, I am the project manager, but when things don’t get adequately done, or I think a vendor is charging too much, I step in and get the job done. I understand all aspects of what needs to be done, from commercial photography and videography using Adobe to create assets, posters, billboards, and street signs. I love specializing in Food photography and working with restaurants. I am a published food photographer and one of the top restaurant & hotel reviewers for Google Maps, with close to 60 Million views on Google Maps. Any big plans? I am getting around town and showcasing restaurants and points of interest in Atlanta and interviewing Restaurant and business owners in Atlanta to showcase our culture, food, nightlife, nature, and the arts. I may be working on co-producing a show that helps men become the best versions of themselves for a streaming network. Contact Info:

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